Step 1: Schedule a consultation with Steve by calling (904) 348-6723.
Step 2: Complete a New Client Information Sheet
Step 3: Consult with Steve to discuss the facts of your case and to determine what you want to achieve.
Step 4: Sign a Retainer Agreement.
Step 5: Complete a Financial Affidavit and provide financial documents.
Step 6: Steve prepares a Marital Settlement Agreement and other required documents for your review.
Step 7: Review the Marital Settlement Agreement and suggest any changes you believe are necessary.
Step 8: The Marital Settlement Agreement and your Financial Affidavit are delivered to your spouse.
Step 9: The Marital Settlement Agreement and your spouse’s Financial Affidavit are returned to Steve.
Step 10: Review your spouse’s Financial Affidavit. If you are satisfied with his/her representations, then sign the Marital Settlement Agreement and other required documents.*
Step 11: Steve files an uncontested Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, the signed Marital Settlement Agreement and other required documents with the Clerk of Court.
Step 12: Register for the mandatory Parenting Education class (only required when parties have a minor child or children together).
Step 13: Steve schedules a final hearing with the Judge assigned to the case. The final hearing is usually scheduled to take place 30 to 60 days after the case is filed.
Step 14: Appear with Steve at the final hearing. If the Judge approves the Marital Settlement Agreement, then the Judge will sign a Final Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage dissolving the marriage.
Step 15: Steve (or a 3rd party if needed) prepares any documents needed to transfer assets, such as Deeds, Qualified Domestic Relations Orders and/or Motor Vehicle Power of Attorneys.
Uncontested Divorce – a very important footnote below!
*If there are lingering or unanswered questions as to your spouse’s financial situation (income, expenses, assets and/or liabilities) then the Marital Settlement Agreement should not be signed until questions are answered. This most likely will result in additional steps having to be taken.
Please feel free to contact Steve at (904) 348-6723, if you have any questions about obtaining an uncontested divorce in Jacksonville